One of my fabulous
DT members,
Toni has tagged me, and given me 2 tasks.
Firstly, reveal
seven random facts about yourself and then
tag seven others...
1. I am a news junkie and have listened almost exclusively to the news on the radio for over 10 years. (Britney who?)
2. I am a voracious reader of murder mysteries written by women. I have every Agatha Christie and
Nagio Marsh book written. Give me Elizabeth George and
Patricia Cornwell any day and I'm a happy camper.
3. I adore watermelon. The smell, the taste, the color, the sound of the "thump, thump, thump"when you are looking for the most perfectly ripe one and the crunch your teeth make when biting into the crisp flesh. And I love the fact that I can eat as much as I want and not have to worry about too many calories.
4. I can eat a dozen doughnuts in one sitting. I guess it's a good thing I adore watermelon.
5. When I was younger I wanted to be Rhonda
Morganstern on Mary Tyler Moore. I loved that she was a window dresser and wore such creative outfits. Her pink studio apartment fascinated me. I mean where was her kitchen?
7. I like plaid. There. I said it. After being garbed in Catholic school uniforms for 12 years I could not bring myself to even look at plaid for decades. Now I am strangely drawn to plaid whenever I see it in a store. Sometimes, I think it even whispers and nudges me to notice it.
share some favorite blogs you visit for inspiration.
Jule Ebersole. Yeah, yeah, I
know she is
everyone's inspiration, but I just wanted to say that she is mine, too. I love her stamped designs, but even more, I love the way she writes.
Alicia Paulson. Alicia is not a stamper, but she is a creative soul. Creativity just oozes from this gal's pores. She lives a truly creative life. Plus I just love her mournful little pooch. Makes me want a
doggie of my own.
Stephanie Pearl-McPhee. Okay. Not a stamper again. But this girl can weave a story like a fine piece of fabric.
Claudine Hellmuth. Finally. Someone who stamps. I just love this woman's point of view and her bubbly personality. She actually makes money with her art. Who would've thunk it? It can really be done.
Kim Van der Sanden. She is my new hero. So enthusiastic about what she does and making her new business soar. Kudos to you Kim.
Okay that's enough about me. Get better soon, Toni!