Yes, I've been a bad blogger, but I'll try to be better. When we moved into our house a year ago we were adopted by a couple of feral cats. One, affectionately called "Orange Bang!" and the other "White Kitty". Here is Orange Bang!
White Kitty had a sore on his nose that just wouldn't heal. When I came back from LA a couple of weeks back it had taken over one side of his nose. So I called around for a vet that would treat ferals and proceeded to try and catch him. Once caught, the vet took one look and pronounced cancer. Cancer, only treatable by treatments of chemo. And the cancer was making it hard for White Kitty to breathe. We knew we had to put White Kitty down. In the vet's waiting room we noticed a flyer for a "Free Cat". The cat was a siamese mix that had been hanging around the finder's house for 2 months. It had a license, but the number did not match a cat in the counties database. The finder had also looked through the "lost pet" postings at all the counties shelters, but no one was looking for this kitty.
The kitty, it turns out, had been living back and forth between 2 neighbor's houses. One had a dog and the other had recently lost a beloved cat and wasn't ready to take on a new one. And she was a sweetie. You could tell that she had charmed the menfolk and one had tears in his eyes as we put the kitty in her carrier. The other asked if I would call once in a while to let him know how she was doing.
Yesterday was the Sacramento Stamp Convention put on by A Stamp in the Hand. It was the first time I had ever gone and it was a treat. I love a convention. After I finally reached the convention after getting lost a couple of times I finally entered the doors and entered a magic stamping world. Magenta was there. Leavenworth Jackson, Yvonne Albritton, A Muse, and Memory Box, to name a few.
I love going to conventions I haven't been to because I tend to find stamp companies that I don't usually find at my LSS. And the companies are able to bring much more of their stock that our LSS are able to buy.
I was working at the American Art Stamp booth so I made my way over there. I've worked their booth a number of times and there are always fun and whimsical stamps that I MUST HAVE. Plus, they always have the greatest prices on ink. This show was no exception. They showed their newest Christmas and Fall Stick Chix stamps. And even though the weather outside (and inside) was over a hundred degrees, the stamps put ME in the Holiday spirit.
Magenta has come out with some really great puzzle stamp sets. These are stamps that can work together or by themselves. They are closely trimmed so that you can better judge placement and they are sold on cling cushion for easier storage and better pricing. I got 12 stamps for $16.00, plus an extra one as a goodie! This is a great alternative to the clear polymer stamps. And because the stamps are deeply-etched rubber they'll produce a sharp image and won't break down in a couple of years like polymer. Viva La Magenta!
Yvonne Albritton had packets of pre-flattened bottle caps and alphabets stamps and punches that perfectly fit the top of the cap. She also had brand-new chalk palettes in aluminum trays. Not only were the palettes quite stunning, but you got a lot of chalk in them.
A Muse and Memory Box were there, brought to convention by Stamp On Over, one of my LSS. I just love A Muse's cute, funny designs and Memory Box's witty take on the world. These companies are just too hip.
There was plenty more to be seen, and this convention was very HOT. Hot in both the stamping companies there and the weather. I am not exaggerating when I say that it was sweltering. At one point in time I was told it was 107 degrees. This was about 11:00 am. I am not sure how the locals do it. But, I'm hoping that I lost a couple of pounds.
For the last couple of days I have set the alarm clock to go off at 6:00am. Not that I get up at that time or anything. But after a couple of swipes at the alarm clock I am up and at 'em.
The sun is up at that time and the light is just beautiful, streaming through my front windows onto the hardwood floors. I make coffee and put out the food for the 2 feral cats that adopted us shortly after we moved in. Several days after our move we discovered that our precious Sprinkle had cancer and then she left us alone, each in our own way, and missing her desperately. The cats, (who I originally thought of as one, were, and are very skittery and don't let us get within 5 feet of them) helped me get through my loss. They are really quite the silly creatures and make us smile and sigh in delight whenever we see them.
So after I put their food down I stand at the window and wait for one of them to silently enter the garden on their silent cat feet, and watch them from behind a curtain to start my day. I feel blessed just to be able to share this time with them, even if they don't even know I'm there.
I just LURV summer. It's the only time that the sun really comes out in San Francisco. And for the first time in years I can actually go out without bringing some sort of sweater or something with. Of course, this hot weather comes at a price. The air is much thicker with dirt and smog and there is that global warming to worry about. But for now I'll just enjoy the hot weather and the summertime food that comes along with it.
I did this card for the Summer Samplers that were offered to the retail stores this season. It's a fun design based on an original design by one of the Cat's Pajamas Design Team, the talented Toni Armstrong.
I just finished a marathon web site update. The Fall/Winter collection has now been posted to the website along with some groovy new designs from the designers in the gallery. The hardest part was sending out email notifications via Yahoo!Groups.
Jinkies! I can't believe how long it took. And the frustration was immense. I tried sending the email using their beta editor and when I went to preview the thing it was either gone or incomplete. I must have written that humble little message 10 times from scratch. Here are a couple of the designs in color. I am so happy with this collection I could just burst. It was so fun doing it. I started designing this collection last year during the Fall. Usually I am about a season or two in front of where we are in the year. That means that I'm doing Valentine's day in the Fall and Christmas in the Summer.
During the Holidays it is really hard to buckle down and do anything. Last year I made myself design the collection while it was still going on and the designs came so much easier. It was really worth it. Ho! Ho! Ho!
It was so much fun being back in SoCal. The first thing Anthony and I did after we arrived was go to Marukai. Gosh, I love that place. All the sweet gadgets and gizmos. I especially love their plastic selection. So, I stocked up so many plastic containers that there was hardly any room in the truck.
Then we went to Sonic. Mmmm. A trip to Sonic may not seem like anything special to those who are lucky enough to be close to one, but the nearest one to us in San Francisco is some 50 miles away in Tracy. When we watch TV we are constantly teased and tempted by Sonic commercials. So when one comes within 5 miles away you have to take advantage. I think we ate there at least 3 or 4 times in the 4 days we were there.
On Thursday I taught a MIT class at Stampin EJ's. Those gals were a blast. Here they are just having fun, concentrating on their cards. Stampin EJ's is in a great craft and antique mall called Debra's Cottage. Very cute stuff in there. Then it was off to lunch and Scrapbook Oasis. Then we hit the biggest stamp store in LA: Stampin from the Heart. They had just had a big birthday sale, but there were still great things to be found. (Gosh, I miss LA)
Here is Eva and Michi at lunch with a bag of bread. Michi's hubby is very particular about the care of bread. So she made sure it never left her sight and was never in the sun or hot car. What a good wife.
Friday, I hooked up with my friend, Janis and headed South. South to Stamp Delights in La Mesa and the Stamp Addict in San Diego and lastly, the Mecca of stamping: A Little Bizaar. It's been a while since I've been there and it was worth it. Laurie is so great, she stayed open late for us while we chatted her head off.
Saturday and Sunday was the Carson Convention. This is, by far, one of the best conventions I have gone to and this time was no exception. There were a ton of vendors. Some old favorites and some new ones. Memory Box and A Muse. Savvy and Zettiology. Curtis Collection, and Magenta. And Tim Holtz was there and Dee Gruenig. The excitement in the air was electric. I haven't been to a convention like this in ages.
I was at the American Art Stamp booth and it was jumping. They introduced a bunch of new designs and they were going like hotcakes. They also had some great deals on ink pads. I even had to get some.
I saw so many friends, it was like being home again. Ellie, Metoka, Laura, Laurien, Gloria, Willie and Kristie. I saw the gals from CR Bloomin Stamps in Long Beach and Kimi from Island Images in Gardena. I saw Shauna looking quite refreshing and retro in orange and green. And several new friends from Stampin EJ
Our booth was right next to Sunday International where Dee Gruenig was. I watched in wonderment as she enthralled the crowd in front of her booth with a few markers and rubber stamps. She's a master.
Well not really. But, close to it. Tomorrow, Anthony and I are leaving at 7:00am, which really translates into 8:00ish. Hopefully we'll be in Fullerton before rush hour. Then we'll kick back by the pool with a few cold ones. We won't be back until June 12th.
Shhh! This Thursday I'm going to be at StampinEj in Costa Mesa. Teaching. Shhhh! I don't really like teaching, but I like meeting new people—especially new stampers. I'll be trying out a new teaching system that will hopefully make it more enjoyable. Plus, Eva, the owner, is a sweetie.
I'll be doing these 3 quick, fun cards for Christmas. Cute, no? These are simple and fast to do, but the prep work has been murder. I started prepping 2 days ago and I'm still prepping. We'll be using the new fall and winter stamps that are only available at your local stamp store. You'll be able to get them on the Cat's Pajamas website on July 18th. It was the 12th, but you know how it is.
While I'm down in SoCal I'm going to be at the Carson Convention. Working at the American Art Stamp booth on Saturday and SHOPPING on Sunday. Whheeeee!