Well The Cat's Pajamas very first convention has come and gone. It was a lot of work, but so much fun!

Here I am on Friday, setting up. Looking around, confused, wondering what I should do next. Looking down the way a bit at all the other vendors. We were given tables at the very end, across from Polly's Pals, (Polly rocks!) and on the other side of Hanko Designs. (Hi Norman!)

The fabulous Tracy worked the demo table like no one's business. Together with her oh-so-talented mother, Bin, they made a formidable team. Shoppers prepare to be awed. These ladies are demo goddesses.
See the red arrow? These stamper's pre-bought their tickets and were allowed in a half hour before the doors officially opened.

Soon they were at The Cat's Pajamas booth. Shopping. And shopping. And shopping.

I'm not ringing up yet, but I will be shortly, and non-stop for the rest of the day, I'll have you know.
Thank you all who came by and said "hi". Thank you to my great design team, Jessica, Toni, Janis and Tracy for all the great samples that people o0000-ed and ahhhhh-ed over and took photos of.
Thank you, Karrie, for sending in your inspiration cards which I had to plunk on the sample board, too. Thank you, Tracy, Bin and Anthony for all your help in making The Cat's Pajamas first convention a success.
Going to lie down now.