A lot of people have asked me what kind of ink I recommend for The Cat's Pajamas stamps.
That's easy. Currently I am using Versafine inks almost exclusively. The colors are really vibrant. (Except for Vintage Sepia, which is, you know, vintagey) The ink is great for showing fine detail and for laying down pretty even blocks of color. So not only do I get a really great solid Sprinkle, but her eyes and whiskers are crisp.

In addition, the inks last a really long time. The solvent based ink is easily cleaned up with soap and water while still wet, and when dry the ink is waterproof. So I can use watercolor pencils. Just one thing. The package says it is an instant dry ink. Wrong. It's best if you wait awhile or heatset.
Versafine ink. It's a good thing.