After driving 10 hours in the snow, Anthony finally arrived at the Riverside Convention Center in California. Now driving in the snow may not be such a big deal to the lot of you, but to us Californians, it's a big deal. The snow closed the main highway from Northern California to Southern California, so we had to detour through the desert, where it promptly snowed. A lot.
We got to the hotel and turned on the Weather Channel and they were predicting tornadoes in Malibu.
Yup. That's tornadoes in MALIBU, CALIFORNIA! Crikey!
The next day we drove on over to the convention center and saw this.

A big freakin' snow capped mountain. In Southern California. You know that song that says it "never rains in Southern California"? Well look at that SNOW!
Anyway, we set up and when we were done, Gayle came and set up for her demos. She was demoing the Avery labels on the chocolate nuggets for all the world to see. With The Cat's Pajamas DT doing such a great job with the samples and Gayle demoing, it was kismet!
Here is the left side of the booth. We were next to
Heritage Makers. What a great idea. Online digital scrapbooking and card making all done professional like.

Here is the left side of the booth. The two towers on the left aren't TCP, though. It's
Tessler. Ellen from Tessler is a doll! To our left was
Sunday International. Dee Gruening was there, but since I always seem to take pictures of her, I didn't want to give the impression that I was stalking her.
We were right across from Carmen's Veranda.
MaryJo McGraw was demoing.

We also met up with a brand new company,
Daily Window. This company features bags and backpacks and lunch boxes and the like, with a window that you can slide pictures, cards, scrapbook pages. Whatever you'd like. I love that you can change the insert to feature what you want to show off. I had to get one. Now I can't decide if I want to do a scrapbook page with Mocha or Anthony first.
Now I actually was planning on taking a lot more pictures, but then I started getting this look from Gayle.

Okay Gayle. Stopping now. Next
Convention? San Mateo, February 15-16
Plain ol' hun or honey.. So looking forward to the releases tomorrow!