Well, 3, but since we are having Christmas dinner at my parent's house on Christmas Eve, it's only 2 days for me. The actual day will be spent at home cuddling with my sweetie and taking care of Mocha, who has a cold.
This Christmas season has just flow by. I have yet to decorate a tree. I have forgone Holiday cards (Merry, Happy everyone). This year we are doing a homemade Christmas and I can happily say that I only have 3 socks to knit AND two-thirds of a sweater to get done.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Friday, December 15, 2006
Winter 2007
You heard that right. Winter 2007. I'm working on the images for Winter 2007. After working on getting Valentine's day out and finishing of Summer and Cinco de Mayo images I'm finally able to work on images for the season I'm in. And I'm....blocked. Any thoughts?
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Devastated over the death of James Kim. He was a true hero who, after nine days of being lost and weak from hunger, set out to find help for his young family. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Thankful Pt 2
I am thankful that Kati Kim of San Francisco and her 2 daughters have been found!
My prayers go out to finding James Kim, who set out 2 days ago to look for help and has not been found yet.
My prayers go out to finding James Kim, who set out 2 days ago to look for help and has not been found yet.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
On Dasher....!

Feeling a bit under the weather for the past 2 weeks or so. But now I am working on
The images should be coming to the retail store near you! And if they aren't, tell your LSS you need these images. They won't be for sale online until after Christmas.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
There are so many things that I am Thankful for. If I really think about it my list would, and could go to the moon and back. A couple of times. So here is just a small sampling of what I am thankful for.
1. I am thankful for Anthony. He gives me unconditional love and support in everything I do.
2. I am thankful that I still have both my parents and both my siblings.
3. I am thankful that I was given the gift to create.
4. I am thankful that people believe in me and what I create.
5. I am thankful for meeting new people and for getting to know the ones I do know better.
6. I am thankful for time.
7. I am thankful for understanding and patience.
8. I am thankful for a great big host of relatives that know of me, that I am still learning of.
9. I am thankful being able to wear flip-flops in November.
10. I am thankful that I am not in charge of cooking anything this year. (I tend to burn things)
11. I am thankful for my past. It makes me who I am.
12. I am thankful for everyone. Everyone's quirks, everyone's opinions. Every one. Every one makes my world so much more interesting just by being in it.
1. I am thankful for Anthony. He gives me unconditional love and support in everything I do.
2. I am thankful that I still have both my parents and both my siblings.
3. I am thankful that I was given the gift to create.
4. I am thankful that people believe in me and what I create.
5. I am thankful for meeting new people and for getting to know the ones I do know better.
6. I am thankful for time.
7. I am thankful for understanding and patience.
8. I am thankful for a great big host of relatives that know of me, that I am still learning of.
9. I am thankful being able to wear flip-flops in November.
10. I am thankful that I am not in charge of cooking anything this year. (I tend to burn things)
11. I am thankful for my past. It makes me who I am.
12. I am thankful for everyone. Everyone's quirks, everyone's opinions. Every one. Every one makes my world so much more interesting just by being in it.
Monday, November 20, 2006
So, so busy. Just enough time to raise my little head and say "Thanks to everyone! The SALE is a success!"
We are making room for our Valentine stamps, currently being given the finishing touches. They are pretty darn cute, I must say.
Okay. Back to filling orders! Don't forget the SALE goes until midnight Thanksgiving Day for those looking to gobble up some goodies. And NO CALORIES!
We are making room for our Valentine stamps, currently being given the finishing touches. They are pretty darn cute, I must say.
Okay. Back to filling orders! Don't forget the SALE goes until midnight Thanksgiving Day for those looking to gobble up some goodies. And NO CALORIES!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Tell A Friend!
Don't forget, everyone. The 25% off SALE at The Cat's Pajamas starts tonight at midnight and goes through Thanksgiving. Gobble. Gobble. Gobble!
Monday, November 13, 2006
Coming Soon!

Discount may not be combined with any other offers or discounts.
Purchases are limited to stock on hand.
Shipping costs based on prediscount total.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Mom and Dad

Yesterday was my mother and father's 52nd wedding anniversary.
They met met, like so many, after "The War", at college, in an accounting class. ("The War" was, in a sense, the end of their old lives and a beginning of a new life.) They married the day before Veteran's Day and shortly thereafter had my sister. Much later, when it was thought to be too late to have any more children, they had my brother. And then me. Surprise!
I've been lucky to have both of them in my life. So many of my friends have lost one or both their parents. And at their funerals I think greedily and guiltily of the parents that I still have.
Shortly after they retired they decided to move 25 miles away to Petaluma. They had lived through "The War" which savaged their beloved country, and spent much of their lives in the gray city. Now they wanted to see hills and country and breath fresh air. They chose Petulama. Halfway between my brother and myself and my sister and their new grandbabies. My sister lived in Cloverdale with her family and Petaluma was a good compromise. They moved into a house on the edge of a golf course with a view of the hills. Not only could my father have his hills, but he could have a nice green lawn to look at -- without having to take care of it. My mother became a social butterfly -- meeting other seniors at the senior center and taking trips to places she had read about.
Life was good. And they enjoyed it together. Sometime, I don't know exactly, my mother, always active, began to use a cane. And behind my father's study door the TV blasted louder and louder.
Recently, after a trip back to the Philippines I noticed how exhausted my father looked. It was natural for him to be tired after such a long trip, but he was very drawn and grey. It took several weeks for him to return to normal.
My mother, occasionally plagued with fainting spells, cramps and anxiety attacks, didn't seem to recover as quickly as she has. And the last week and a half were punctuated with 2 hospital stays.
Last night I drove my mother back from hospital to a father who greeted us at the door and fussed and fluttered about my mother.
"Happy Anniversary" my mother said.
"What?" my father said looking at her.
"Happy Anniversary" she said again.
He peered into her eyes and his eyes lighted up and he smiled. "Happy Anniversary"
Happy 52nd Anniversary Mom and Dad!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Felt Flowers
Ever since Jessica gifted me some wonderful vintage I have been virtually consumed with making felt flower pins. There was much joy in the work.
Cutting out circles, trimming them with scallops and embroidery. I lovingly took time comparing colors and deciding which button would be best complimented by the flower. Finally, after making several dozen, I could draw a breath. I had purged the felt flower demons. I was at peace.
So, breathing deeply in my new found freedom, I strode into the local Scrapbook store. My jaw dropped. My lip quivered. There, by the counter were these.
All in various sizes and colors. All in felt.
The sewing must start again.
Cutting out circles, trimming them with scallops and embroidery. I lovingly took time comparing colors and deciding which button would be best complimented by the flower. Finally, after making several dozen, I could draw a breath. I had purged the felt flower demons. I was at peace.
So, breathing deeply in my new found freedom, I strode into the local Scrapbook store. My jaw dropped. My lip quivered. There, by the counter were these.

All in various sizes and colors. All in felt.
The sewing must start again.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
After a hard day of sunning herself and terrorizing the neighborhood cats, Mocha made her way home. A week ago she had been in a catfight so I watched her carefully as she made her way up the path looking for blood or limping legs. I noticed a bit of what I thought was swelling about the mouth.
And as I wondered what had happened she spit out a little mouse friend and began to play with it. Then back into her mouth. Then down again for play. Up and down. Up and down.
Ugh. I knew there was a reason that I liked indoor cats. I can't even fathom kissing her little face again without thinking about mouse breath.
And as I wondered what had happened she spit out a little mouse friend and began to play with it. Then back into her mouth. Then down again for play. Up and down. Up and down.
Ugh. I knew there was a reason that I liked indoor cats. I can't even fathom kissing her little face again without thinking about mouse breath.
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Blimey! New Stamps

Thar are new stamps sighted at The Cat's Pajamas. And they are quite good, if I do say so myself. Piratey goodness, knitting madness all wrapped up in rainy day fun. What the heck am I talking about? Go and see for yourself.
Friday, October 13, 2006
I'm just dotty!
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Project Runway Pt. 1
Last night I scurried home after my watercolor class with time enough for me to pour a glass of wine and settle in for the 1st part of the finale of Project Runway.
I was prepared for some cozy get-to-know-you time with the designers, but I wasn't prepared for the hair pulling rollercoaster ride called the second half hour.
Always full of surprises, Laura accusing Jeffery of cheating was something I had expected since I hate surprises and have read about the controversy online. But I didn't expect the furrowed brow and tsk tsking of Tim Gunn when he looked at Michael's collection. I do have to say that my brow was furrowed too, when I saw the sequins he wanted to use on his collection.
I keep telling myself that hoochie can sell. Think Baby Phat. Think Jennifer Lopez. You just never know. But my brow is still furrowed.
I was prepared for some cozy get-to-know-you time with the designers, but I wasn't prepared for the hair pulling rollercoaster ride called the second half hour.
Always full of surprises, Laura accusing Jeffery of cheating was something I had expected since I hate surprises and have read about the controversy online. But I didn't expect the furrowed brow and tsk tsking of Tim Gunn when he looked at Michael's collection. I do have to say that my brow was furrowed too, when I saw the sequins he wanted to use on his collection.
I keep telling myself that hoochie can sell. Think Baby Phat. Think Jennifer Lopez. You just never know. But my brow is still furrowed.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Button. Button. Who's got the button?

I decided to add them to my stash. And low and behold, I found that my stash was taking over. There were buttons everywhere. And there was no space where my lovely new buttons (from the oh so generous Jessica) could lay their tired little heads. I knew some drastic measures had to be taken. I had to use them.

So out came the iron and felt and fusible web and the Sizzix machine (to cut all the circles, dontcha know). It was soothing, at first, matching the brightly colored circles of felt and thread and buttons. And then it became obessive.

At the end of a day of crafting, and sewing I was, pleased. At the end of the day I had somehow made, 24 pins. And now many of my lovely buttons have showy new homes. (Jessica's I still want to hoard for awhile).
I am at peace.
Sunday, October 08, 2006
It's Showtime!

After many days of tapping my toe and pacing back and forth, this yellow postcard made its way into my mail slot.
Hold onto your hats!
The Cat's Pajamas is going to convention! Wheeee!
So many important things to think about between now and February. Everything from what type of tablecloths to get to how do I get them fireproofed. What type of displays to have to what sort of products I should sell to compliment the stamps. Eek! And there is that Holiday that is smack dab in the middle of now and February to contend with. Better start making some stamps now....
Friday, September 29, 2006
On pins and needles

In the end I was really impressed with Uli. I thought she was going home for sure. But, she pulled in out in the end and produced a really modern fun dress. AND did you check out all the hand beading that went into this dress? I was so impress by her dress that I put down my martini and gave her a standing ovation.
Michael, on the other hand gave me a fright when he got his creative block. We all get them and it was refreshing to see that someone as creative as Michael gets them too.

But, his outfit scared me. The design was overworked and a little sleazy. Even his model didn't seem to like it. And what was with the HAIR. During the judging I was so sad when I thought he was going home.
This latest installment really shows the creative hole you can dig yourself into when you have too much time. Sometimes, it's best just to sit down and do something, like Uli did, and work through the block. Ideas start to flow freely and things come to you that never would have while hunched over a sketchbook. And sometimes, like Uli, you come up with a winner.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
I love pattern
For several decades I hated pattern. I turned up my nose to anything with a dot or a little stripe. I only wore black. Perhaps it was my art student mentality, or the fact that I had to wear PLAID for 12 years. (Yes, I was in Catholic school). Give me a good set of monochromatic solids and I was a happy camper.
Growing up in the 80's I felt like an outcast. There was pattern everywhere, assaulting my eyes with polka dots and lace, patterned leather. Even big frosted hairstyles were sprayed in different colors and patterns using stencils and the like.
A college friend of mine told me her "interview outfit" was an crazy mix of blue and white check, stripe and polka dot. "Then," she said, "after I put it on, if I haven't thrown up yet, I put on the dotted stockings and polka dot shoes."
It wasn't until a stint as a textile librarian in a decorator showroom that I truly began to appreciate that the "clever little stripe" or that "funky pattern" really looked good together. So now I can't seem to help myself from mixing this pattern with that.
Like this card. If there were more room I'm sure I could stick in a couple more patterns.
P.S. Here is a peek at the new collection currently only available at a stamp store near you. Go and bug them to check into it.
Growing up in the 80's I felt like an outcast. There was pattern everywhere, assaulting my eyes with polka dots and lace, patterned leather. Even big frosted hairstyles were sprayed in different colors and patterns using stencils and the like.
A college friend of mine told me her "interview outfit" was an crazy mix of blue and white check, stripe and polka dot. "Then," she said, "after I put it on, if I haven't thrown up yet, I put on the dotted stockings and polka dot shoes."
It wasn't until a stint as a textile librarian in a decorator showroom that I truly began to appreciate that the "clever little stripe" or that "funky pattern" really looked good together. So now I can't seem to help myself from mixing this pattern with that.
Like this card. If there were more room I'm sure I could stick in a couple more patterns.
P.S. Here is a peek at the new collection currently only available at a stamp store near you. Go and bug them to check into it.
Friday, September 15, 2006
Convention Fever
I love a convention!
When I lived in Southern California there seemed to be a stamp convention within driving distance every 2 months. And boy, did I take advantage of it. Meandering through the convention hall, visiting with vendors that soon became fast friends. The excitement of new techniques and products..... I've even been lucky enough to work a couple of conventions at American Art Stamp.
Lately, I've been toying with the idea of having my own booth. Perhaps, because Daisy at at Stamp on over put the idea in my head and it's had time to fester or because of the success of Just Johanna at the Rubber Stamp and Scrapbook Expo in Chicago. Or perhaps because I have always wanted to be a proprietress of a stamp store that the nagging in the back of my head started again. And, the idea has been buzzing around and around...
When I lived in Southern California there seemed to be a stamp convention within driving distance every 2 months. And boy, did I take advantage of it. Meandering through the convention hall, visiting with vendors that soon became fast friends. The excitement of new techniques and products..... I've even been lucky enough to work a couple of conventions at American Art Stamp.
Lately, I've been toying with the idea of having my own booth. Perhaps, because Daisy at at Stamp on over put the idea in my head and it's had time to fester or because of the success of Just Johanna at the Rubber Stamp and Scrapbook Expo in Chicago. Or perhaps because I have always wanted to be a proprietress of a stamp store that the nagging in the back of my head started again. And, the idea has been buzzing around and around...
Friday, September 08, 2006
Shout out to Jessica!

Jessica tells me she took the stamp "and enlarged it on my copier 3 different times for the pattern. I used garage sale finds and hand sewed this sweatshirt for my son." Jessica, I bow down to your craftiness.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Favorite ink

A lot of people have asked me what kind of ink I recommend for The Cat's Pajamas stamps.
That's easy. Currently I am using Versafine inks almost exclusively. The colors are really vibrant. (Except for Vintage Sepia, which is, you know, vintagey) The ink is great for showing fine detail and for laying down pretty even blocks of color. So not only do I get a really great solid Sprinkle, but her eyes and whiskers are crisp.

In addition, the inks last a really long time. The solvent based ink is easily cleaned up with soap and water while still wet, and when dry the ink is waterproof. So I can use watercolor pencils. Just one thing. The package says it is an instant dry ink. Wrong. It's best if you wait awhile or heatset.
Versafine ink. It's a good thing.
Project Runway

Last night was Project Runway, and boy were they into the drama. They had to create an outfit for the jetsetter: themselves. And in under 24 hours. The women had it easy, they could design sleeveless dresses and tops, but the guys had to do at least 2 pieces.
Then they had to do the runway and NOT get told who won, but rushed to pack and get to the airport in one hour. After flying 16 hours they reached Parsons, Paris, and a guest judge. What was so sad was that Angela was talking about how much she admired this judge and she got slammed in the critique. Then it was back on the plane to America. Another 16 hour flight.
Now, I am really happy that Jeffrey won one and Angela lost, but yikes was he mean. He called her a macaroni gluer.
I wonder how long it's going to take her to get over the jet-lag of 32 hours in the air.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Who wants to be a Superhero?

Now I know what you are thinking. But this reality show is so campy and well done and consistent that it has me tuning in every Thursday. Stan Lee, the creator of characters like Spiderman, the Fantastic Four, and the X-Men is looking for the next superhero.

Prospective superheros are tested each week in integrity, communication, honesty and other superhero qualities. There is even a failed superhero turned supervillian. Tune in next Thursday for the finale between "Fat Momma", whose catch phrase is "Saving the world one doughnut at a time and "Feedback" who absorbs energy from the video games he plays. I am.
Monday, August 21, 2006
I need more room!

Anthony and I spent most of the last couple of days trying to figure out where we are going to put the new stamps when they come in. Lots of sketches were drawn and tape measures pulled, tears were cried, feet were stamped, and still, we came to the same conclusion.

We are going to have to clean out the garage.
I have to preface the horror of that statement with some history. The house that we now live in is the same one that I grew up in, and we share the fully-furnished house with my brother. About 15 years ago my parents moved from San Francisco to Petulama. And rather than move 40 years of memories and furnishings, and frankly, trash, they took their clothes and bought all new everything. Much was stored in the garage. I shortly moved to Southern California.When my father heard that we were moving back, he decided to incorporate two of the rooms in the lower level into office space for us. All of the items that we had stored there were...moved to the garage.
So when Anthony and I decided to leave Marina del Rey where we had a one bedroom with dining room and patio and large storage space. What furniture we could incorporate into the house, we did. What we couldn't, we stored—in the garage.
It's almost too much to bear.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
While shopping at Michael's...
The best thing about living in the Bay Area is that I am in close proximity to one of the most talented designers ever, Tracy Falco. (who does not have a blog). She steers me to the best craft items and places to buy them. Did I also mention that Tracy is one of the most talented shopping enablers, too?
She recently clued me into a new slab by Rob and Bob Studio at Michael's. Not only do I ADORE Rob and Bob, but they make it easy to use everything in their line, because it coordinates so nicely.... So I make my way down to Michael's, and what do I find? The American version of this.
Do you see it? Take a closer look. Do you think that anything looks close to one of The Cat's PJ's designs? Perhaps this one? Hmmm!?
She recently clued me into a new slab by Rob and Bob Studio at Michael's. Not only do I ADORE Rob and Bob, but they make it easy to use everything in their line, because it coordinates so nicely.... So I make my way down to Michael's, and what do I find? The American version of this.

Do you see it? Take a closer look. Do you think that anything looks close to one of The Cat's PJ's designs? Perhaps this one? Hmmm!?


It's been several years since I had gone and though I saw a lot of old favorites exhibiting there, there were some really fabulous newcomers. The art just blew me away. Some I even recognized from Carol Duvall and That's Clever!.
The great piece on the left is Thomas Mann.
Everything was really creative, but I tended to gravitate more toward the jewelry.

They tended to be more like sculpture, than jewelry. Check out this piece by Eric Silva Really fabulous. I was really tempted.... I didn't buy anything, but I did get their email info....for research.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Party Time!

In addition to the regular gang of Sprinkle and Poochie I've also done a couple of little boys. Twins, I think. I drew them in the retro style as well. I just have to come up with a couple of names.... Harry and Ronald? Simon and Sydney? Any suggestions?
I'll give you a sneak peek once I send the images off to the copyright office.
Tomorrow, it's all about sizing the stamps and then it's off to the engraver! Yay! And in a month or so...stamps!
Well I thought I was through. Until this morning, that is. Then I realized that I needed to squeeze in one more design...
Nothing doin' or doin' nothing
As you will notice in the section marked "So much to do" on the right STILL has "Finish designs for Fall collections and send to engravers.." Proudly displayed and not crossed out.
I had planned on finishing the last of the designs for fall done before today but the weather didn't cooperate. The weather was so unbelievably good that I just couldn't concentrate. It was hot enough to wear a light skirt and the breeze from the ocean kept it cool enough so that you didn't break a sweat.

I kept telling myself, "After this walk I'll work on the designs", "after I finish wriggling my toes in the grass...." "after this nap...." Well, of course I only finished about half the designs. Good news, though. I only have about 4 to go.
I had planned on finishing the last of the designs for fall done before today but the weather didn't cooperate. The weather was so unbelievably good that I just couldn't concentrate. It was hot enough to wear a light skirt and the breeze from the ocean kept it cool enough so that you didn't break a sweat.

I kept telling myself, "After this walk I'll work on the designs", "after I finish wriggling my toes in the grass...." "after this nap...." Well, of course I only finished about half the designs. Good news, though. I only have about 4 to go.
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Parking Lot Sale
Did you hear? This just in from Shauna!
EVENT: One-day Parking Lot Sale! Up to 70% Off!
DATE: August 26, 2006
LOCATION: Stampington & Company . 22992 Mill Creek, Ste.B, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
DETAILS: Receive up to 70% off hundreds of back issues, art stamps, and crafting essentials from The Shoppe at Somerset!
Bring a friend or a few to enjoy the huge discounts and the fun! Refreshments and snacks will be made available to keep you energized; door prizes will be awarded every half hour; and you’ll even get a chance to win a $100 Gift Certificate good towards Shoppe products, art stamps, or any publication/subscription from Stampington & Company! We’d love to see you! If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-877-STAMPER (877-782-6737).
My friend Janis says "I think you should plan on coming down for
that.... yep, yep" It's tempting, I must say...
EVENT: One-day Parking Lot Sale! Up to 70% Off!
DATE: August 26, 2006
LOCATION: Stampington & Company . 22992 Mill Creek, Ste.B, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
DETAILS: Receive up to 70% off hundreds of back issues, art stamps, and crafting essentials from The Shoppe at Somerset!
Bring a friend or a few to enjoy the huge discounts and the fun! Refreshments and snacks will be made available to keep you energized; door prizes will be awarded every half hour; and you’ll even get a chance to win a $100 Gift Certificate good towards Shoppe products, art stamps, or any publication/subscription from Stampington & Company! We’d love to see you! If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-877-STAMPER (877-782-6737).
My friend Janis says "I think you should plan on coming down for
that.... yep, yep" It's tempting, I must say...
Design Day 1
With just a couple of orders to fill and a quick trip to the Post Office my "work day" should be over by 12:00. Then I can buckle down and work on finishing up the last remaining designs for the fall. I try to block out large sections of time so that when I design I don't have to worry about the time, or having to make countless phone calls and such. To my little brain, working this way also allows a free-flowing way of designing which makes the creative process more enjoyable and productive. Blah! Blah! Blah...
I'm shooting for to be finished by Friday so I can send the plates out early next week and then later to be pressed.
By the way, Mocha seems to be settling quite nicely and was even playing a game of tag with Anthony this week. Tag! Who'd a thought?
I'm shooting for to be finished by Friday so I can send the plates out early next week and then later to be pressed.
By the way, Mocha seems to be settling quite nicely and was even playing a game of tag with Anthony this week. Tag! Who'd a thought?
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Mocha 2
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Mocha, Part 1
Yes, I've been a bad blogger, but I'll try to be better.
When we moved into our house a year ago we were adopted by a couple of feral cats. One, affectionately called "Orange Bang!" and the other "White Kitty". Here is Orange Bang!
White Kitty had a sore on his nose that just wouldn't heal. When I came back from LA a couple of weeks back it had taken over one side of his nose. So I called around for a vet that would treat ferals and proceeded to try and catch him. Once caught, the vet took one look and pronounced cancer. Cancer, only treatable by treatments of chemo. And the cancer was making it hard for White Kitty to breathe. We knew we had to put White Kitty down.
In the vet's waiting room we noticed a flyer for a "Free Cat". The cat was a siamese mix that had been hanging around the finder's house for 2 months. It had a license, but the number did not match a cat in the counties database. The finder had also looked through the "lost pet" postings at all the counties shelters, but no one was looking for this kitty.
The kitty, it turns out, had been living back and forth between 2 neighbor's houses. One had a dog and the other had recently lost a beloved cat and wasn't ready to take on a new one. And she was a sweetie. You could tell that she had charmed the menfolk and one had tears in his eyes as we put the kitty in her carrier. The other asked if I would call once in a while to let him know how she was doing.
When we moved into our house a year ago we were adopted by a couple of feral cats. One, affectionately called "Orange Bang!" and the other "White Kitty". Here is Orange Bang!

White Kitty had a sore on his nose that just wouldn't heal. When I came back from LA a couple of weeks back it had taken over one side of his nose. So I called around for a vet that would treat ferals and proceeded to try and catch him. Once caught, the vet took one look and pronounced cancer. Cancer, only treatable by treatments of chemo. And the cancer was making it hard for White Kitty to breathe. We knew we had to put White Kitty down.
In the vet's waiting room we noticed a flyer for a "Free Cat". The cat was a siamese mix that had been hanging around the finder's house for 2 months. It had a license, but the number did not match a cat in the counties database. The finder had also looked through the "lost pet" postings at all the counties shelters, but no one was looking for this kitty.
The kitty, it turns out, had been living back and forth between 2 neighbor's houses. One had a dog and the other had recently lost a beloved cat and wasn't ready to take on a new one. And she was a sweetie. You could tell that she had charmed the menfolk and one had tears in his eyes as we put the kitty in her carrier. The other asked if I would call once in a while to let him know how she was doing.
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Sacramento Convention

Yesterday was the Sacramento Stamp Convention put on by A Stamp in the Hand. It was the first time I had ever gone and it was a treat. I love a convention. After I finally reached the convention after getting lost a couple of times I finally entered the doors and entered a magic stamping world. Magenta was there. Leavenworth Jackson, Yvonne Albritton, A Muse, and Memory Box, to name a few.
I love going to conventions I haven't been to because I tend to find stamp companies that I don't usually find at my LSS. And the companies are able to bring much more of their stock that our LSS are able to buy.
I was working at the American Art Stamp booth so I made my way over there. I've worked their booth a number of times and there are always fun and whimsical stamps that I MUST HAVE. Plus, they always have the greatest prices on ink. This show was no exception. They showed their newest Christmas and Fall Stick Chix stamps. And even though the weather outside (and inside) was over a hundred degrees, the stamps put ME in the Holiday spirit.
Magenta has come out with some really great puzzle stamp sets. These are stamps that can work together or by themselves. They are closely trimmed so that you can better judge placement and they are sold on cling cushion for easier storage and better pricing. I got 12 stamps for $16.00, plus an extra one as a goodie! This is a great alternative to the clear polymer stamps. And because the stamps are deeply-etched rubber they'll produce a sharp image and won't break down in a couple of years like polymer. Viva La Magenta!
Yvonne Albritton had packets of pre-flattened bottle caps and alphabets stamps and punches that perfectly fit the top of the cap. She also had brand-new chalk palettes in aluminum trays. Not only were the palettes quite stunning, but you got a lot of chalk in them.
A Muse and Memory Box were there, brought to convention by Stamp On Over, one of my LSS. I just love A Muse's cute, funny designs and Memory Box's witty take on the world. These companies are just too hip.
There was plenty more to be seen, and this convention was very HOT. Hot in both the stamping companies there and the weather. I am not exaggerating when I say that it was sweltering. At one point in time I was told it was 107 degrees. This was about 11:00 am. I am not sure how the locals do it. But, I'm hoping that I lost a couple of pounds.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Who said anything about being a morning person?

For the last couple of days I have set the alarm clock to go off at 6:00am. Not that I get up at that time or anything. But after a couple of swipes at the alarm clock I am up and at 'em.
The sun is up at that time and the light is just beautiful, streaming through my front windows onto the hardwood floors. I make coffee and put out the food for the 2 feral cats that adopted us shortly after we moved in. Several days after our move we discovered that our precious Sprinkle had cancer and then she left us alone, each in our own way, and missing her desperately. The cats, (who I originally thought of as one, were, and are very skittery and don't let us get within 5 feet of them) helped me get through my loss. They are really quite the silly creatures and make us smile and sigh in delight whenever we see them.
So after I put their food down I stand at the window and wait for one of them to silently enter the garden on their silent cat feet, and watch them from behind a curtain to start my day. I feel blessed just to be able to share this time with them, even if they don't even know I'm there.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Hot Dog!

I just LURV summer. It's the only time that the sun really comes out in San Francisco. And for the first time in years I can actually go out without bringing some sort of sweater or something with. Of course, this hot weather comes at a price. The air is much thicker with dirt and smog and there is that global warming to worry about. But for now I'll just enjoy the hot weather and the summertime food that comes along with it.
I did this card for the Summer Samplers that were offered to the retail stores this season. It's a fun design based on an original design by one of the Cat's Pajamas Design Team, the talented Toni Armstrong.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
Sprinkle's got a posse
My oh so talented boyfriend put together this great little movie featuring Sprinkle and Poochie. It's very good I think. He's very clever.
Santa's got a brand new bag

I just finished a marathon web site update. The Fall/Winter collection has now been posted to the website along with some groovy new designs from the designers in the gallery. The hardest part was sending out email notifications via Yahoo!Groups.
Jinkies! I can't believe how long it took. And the frustration was immense. I tried sending the email using their beta editor and when I went to preview the thing it was either gone or incomplete. I must have written that humble little message 10 times from scratch.

Here are a couple of the designs in color. I am so happy with this collection I could just burst. It was so fun doing it. I started designing this collection last year during the Fall. Usually I am about a season or two in front of where we are in the year. That means that I'm doing Valentine's day in the Fall and Christmas in the Summer.
During the Holidays it is really hard to buckle down and do anything. Last year I made myself design the collection while it was still going on and the designs came so much easier. It was really worth it. Ho! Ho! Ho!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Back in the saddle again
Well, I'm back.
It was so much fun being back in SoCal. The first thing Anthony and I did after we arrived was go to Marukai. Gosh, I love that place. All the sweet gadgets and gizmos. I especially love their plastic selection. So, I stocked up so many plastic containers that there was hardly any room in the truck.
Then we went to Sonic. Mmmm. A trip to Sonic may not seem like anything special to those who are lucky enough to be close to one, but the nearest one to us in San Francisco is some 50 miles away in Tracy. When we watch TV we are constantly teased and tempted by Sonic commercials. So when one comes within 5 miles away you have to take advantage. I think we ate there at least 3 or 4 times in the 4 days we were there.

On Thursday I taught a MIT class at Stampin EJ's. Those gals were a blast. Here they are just having fun, concentrating on their cards. Stampin EJ's is in a great craft and antique mall called Debra's Cottage. Very cute stuff in there. Then it was off to lunch and Scrapbook Oasis. Then we hit the biggest stamp store in LA: Stampin from the Heart. They had just had a big birthday sale, but there were still great things to be found. (Gosh, I miss LA)
Here is Eva and Michi at lunch with a bag of bread. Michi's hubby is very particular about the care of bread. So she made sure it never left her sight and was never in the sun or hot car. What a good wife.
Friday, I hooked up with my friend, Janis and headed South. South to Stamp Delights in La Mesa and the Stamp Addict in San Diego and lastly, the Mecca of stamping: A Little Bizaar. It's been a while since I've been there and it was worth it. Laurie is so great, she stayed open late for us while we chatted her head off.
Saturday and Sunday was the Carson Convention. This is, by far, one of the best conventions I have gone to and this time was no exception. There were a ton of vendors. Some old favorites and some new ones. Memory Box and A Muse. Savvy and Zettiology. Curtis Collection, and Magenta. And Tim Holtz was there and Dee Gruenig. The excitement in the air was electric.
I haven't been to a convention like this in ages.
I was at the American Art Stamp booth and it was jumping. They introduced a bunch of new designs and they were going like hotcakes. They also had some great deals on ink pads. I even had to get some.
I saw so many friends, it was like being home again. Ellie, Metoka, Laura, Laurien, Gloria, Willie and Kristie. I saw the gals from CR Bloomin Stamps in Long Beach and Kimi from Island Images in Gardena. I saw Shauna looking quite refreshing and retro in orange and green. And several new friends from Stampin EJ
Our booth was right next to Sunday International where Dee Gruenig was. I watched in wonderment as she enthralled the crowd in front of her booth with a few markers and rubber stamps. She's a master.
All in all, a great convention.
It was so much fun being back in SoCal. The first thing Anthony and I did after we arrived was go to Marukai. Gosh, I love that place. All the sweet gadgets and gizmos. I especially love their plastic selection. So, I stocked up so many plastic containers that there was hardly any room in the truck.
Then we went to Sonic. Mmmm. A trip to Sonic may not seem like anything special to those who are lucky enough to be close to one, but the nearest one to us in San Francisco is some 50 miles away in Tracy. When we watch TV we are constantly teased and tempted by Sonic commercials. So when one comes within 5 miles away you have to take advantage. I think we ate there at least 3 or 4 times in the 4 days we were there.

On Thursday I taught a MIT class at Stampin EJ's. Those gals were a blast. Here they are just having fun, concentrating on their cards. Stampin EJ's is in a great craft and antique mall called Debra's Cottage. Very cute stuff in there. Then it was off to lunch and Scrapbook Oasis. Then we hit the biggest stamp store in LA: Stampin from the Heart. They had just had a big birthday sale, but there were still great things to be found. (Gosh, I miss LA)

Here is Eva and Michi at lunch with a bag of bread. Michi's hubby is very particular about the care of bread. So she made sure it never left her sight and was never in the sun or hot car. What a good wife.
Friday, I hooked up with my friend, Janis and headed South. South to Stamp Delights in La Mesa and the Stamp Addict in San Diego and lastly, the Mecca of stamping: A Little Bizaar. It's been a while since I've been there and it was worth it. Laurie is so great, she stayed open late for us while we chatted her head off.
Saturday and Sunday was the Carson Convention. This is, by far, one of the best conventions I have gone to and this time was no exception. There were a ton of vendors. Some old favorites and some new ones. Memory Box and A Muse. Savvy and Zettiology. Curtis Collection, and Magenta. And Tim Holtz was there and Dee Gruenig. The excitement in the air was electric.
I haven't been to a convention like this in ages.
I was at the American Art Stamp booth and it was jumping. They introduced a bunch of new designs and they were going like hotcakes. They also had some great deals on ink pads. I even had to get some.
I saw so many friends, it was like being home again. Ellie, Metoka, Laura, Laurien, Gloria, Willie and Kristie. I saw the gals from CR Bloomin Stamps in Long Beach and Kimi from Island Images in Gardena. I saw Shauna looking quite refreshing and retro in orange and green. And several new friends from Stampin EJ
Our booth was right next to Sunday International where Dee Gruenig was. I watched in wonderment as she enthralled the crowd in front of her booth with a few markers and rubber stamps. She's a master.
All in all, a great convention.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Okay, I'm out the door!
Well not really. But, close to it. Tomorrow, Anthony and I are leaving at 7:00am, which really translates into 8:00ish. Hopefully we'll be in Fullerton before rush hour. Then we'll kick back by the pool with a few cold ones. We won't be back until June 12th.
Stampin' at Eva's

Shhh! This Thursday I'm going to be at StampinEj in Costa Mesa. Teaching. Shhhh! I don't really like teaching, but I like meeting new people—especially new stampers. I'll be trying out a new teaching system that will hopefully make it more enjoyable. Plus, Eva, the owner, is a sweetie.

I'll be doing these 3 quick, fun cards for Christmas. Cute, no? These are simple and fast to do, but the prep work has been murder. I started prepping 2 days ago and I'm still prepping. We'll be using the new fall and winter stamps that are only available at your local stamp store. You'll be able to get them on the Cat's Pajamas website on July 18th. It was the 12th, but you know how it is.

While I'm down in SoCal I'm going to be at the Carson Convention. Working at the American Art Stamp booth on Saturday and SHOPPING on Sunday.
Monday, July 03, 2006
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